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Sep 2012
I have doubted religion for a long time, 
All because of a question a man had asked me long ago
He was not a rich man nor a hatefull man
He did not seek to destroy all my belief 
Just wanted to show me that my life was not complete
As it was
As it will be

His simple question was this,
 "would you enjoy heaven if all of your loved ones
Went to hell."
Those thirteen words changed me from 
Be good for goodness sake
To being good with out a reason
No need for a resin
The fact was I needed to live
As if there was no after life
Not so I wouldn't fear hell
But so I can live with love and hatred
So I can spend time with my loves as if we could be separated
So I could fear and care others saw me.

Those thirteen words allowed me out of a closet
With no worry of damnation
Only hope of forever love
One that can weave throw heaven and hell
If they so exist
So I can say I shall never be alone 

Those thirteen words opened my eyes
To not just hopes and dreams of a religion 
But what all people seek in a after life
Love of a god
Love that shatters time and space
It's not just for me
All wish to find that love in flesh
No mater in a man,
Woman or just a companion 
I will forever seek the same love
The bible teaches of
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