cemented all through out the decades, this living and the eight hours a day, debts, bills and essentials for sustaining stability led masses blinded, resigned to the facts and engraved in their veins the blood of slaves. the man-made monster to rule us all now legitimized with man-made laws that were bent in shape to keep it perpetually running, and us as the moving parts who have nowhere to run cannot do anything about it. and all heads can say nothing more but 'tis the way it is' and are afraid to have their possessions taken piece by piece when they have nothing to begin with. why is it such an impossible feat to fair the system and its cycle? you see, hear and smell the oppression, lives imprisoned or taken with no trace of ****** hands but only for the greater good as they say? if i have the ability to explode all parts of my flesh before all this, before our powerlessness over it, before our troubled minds, before our weary beat-up bodies, before the people they raise just because they have money, before the unseen, the unheard, the unspoken horrors kept by the authorities, in the name of the father, the son, Nietzsche, and of the raw people of the earth, may my rain of flesh and the words that comes along with it pierce the void blocking our people's senses.