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Sep 2012
The sky may be grey today
Just blink your eyes and I’ll appear
In the lightening crack – boom!
There was a time when I almost lost my way
Would you believe me if I told you?
Could you lead me to the end?
My dear, shy eyes…

Let us not be the ones that fall
But instead the ones that go
& shine on like the star you wish to afar
Or the moon that you so carefully crafted;
In my eyes…

Whichever one you prefer my dear
Or the both of them; or neither.

How was that night after the spark?
Could you even speak a word?
Did my memory creep in through the dark?
Did it help you engrave me in yours?
The thought of another door open…

And what about your dream within a dream
Would you be able to describe it?
I will stand beside you
You’ll see the passing stars arise
Whenever you’re afraid to step out
Take my hand, take my hand
I’ll lead you to the end

Let your friends wonder
What a beast of a man
A real ******-up piece of art
Could you let it fade?

To one day, possibly go away

Has anything changed?
Or will this always stay the same?
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
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