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Feb 2018
Today I walked home in the snow.
Don’t worry, it was only from the brick house next door.
But, it’s the coldest I felt in a long time.
The wind cut my face and your words cut deeper into my frozen flesh.
“I love you, I’ll be back.”
Only did you not realize that was going to be the last time you saw me.
I cried in your bed after# you left, because that’s where it was warm.
Realizing I was never going to be enough to make you stay.
Even just for a day.
I could be apart of a burlesque or be a complete librarian, but none of that would change a thing.
You’re too stuck on her and your old ways.
I gave you a quick fix of lust before you departed me for good.
Even though I was in pain from things that I cannot explain.
I guess that’s all you needed before it was time to leave again.
That’s probably the 1,000th time I let a man use my body to his leisure if it meant I’d get another coco kiss from those lips I love so much.
But, alas I’m only killing myself.
Today, I walked home in the snow.. alone. It’s the coldest I ever felt.
Written by
Carson  20/F
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