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Jan 2018
I am a porcelain doll.
Children play with me a lot!
They swing me around and treat me like a daughter.  
I love them!
But, they got a new toy.
I go in the closet.
I wait for years.
Watching them.
They play with and break every other toy.
All their toys are gone now,
Except for me.
Here they come!
It’s my turn!
They pull me out,
We have tea.
He wants to join!
She wants him to go away,
So he takes me.
They both love me again!
He makes me fly.
I’m falling?
I roll down the stairs.
I shatter.
They pick up my pieces,
Throw me into the dark, smelly ebis,
They ask for a new toy.
Because I, am a broken porcelain doll.
Written by
Kelly  15/F
     unnamed and Lior Gavra
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