I no longer mind the laughter of people, leaves falling, sun rising— all is destitution, squalor, our dirt-clod-- Earth.
Moons snicker, too at our moon, which, sneering at me becomes dizzy from its hypocrite cycle.
Pulling tides, the way it has a quarter-century, my life.
I want you to die; I want you all to die before I do. Moons, stare on.
I want to steal an abandoned air- liner for you.
As far as possible, I will climb toward your towering grimaces crashing, directly, into the ground without wonderment or acknowledgment on this Earth.
Trending topics of the day could not take stock of my demise. Shallow conversations sit on barstools put off for eternity. They showed me love by suggesting “change”. I show them love is coming back to earth and lying with their putrid bodies against my will.