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Jan 2018
Of all the strange things i could be, i chose to be normal
Normal is merely a word, together some came and produced,
Normal is nothing but a state of mind, when there is nothing left to reproduce.

Of all the diverse things i could be, i chose to be sane.
Sane is that phase of life, i believe we when numbness takes over,
Rationalising a decision, proving a point,
Its always to sound a bit clever.

Of all those brilliant things i could be, i chose to be a liar.
Liars are cowards and they ***** your mind,
For truth is the spear of a brave soul,
There is always a peculiarly kind.

Of all silent feelings i thought i could feel, i chose to feel upset.
Sadness is the trail of a suppressed opinion,
Its an irrational feeling, driving your madness into oblivion.

But of all the things i thought i could say, i chose to say zilch.
Silence is deadly when used as a shield.
Silence is terrible when projected as a glitch in time.
If there ever was a time to say anything, it was then,
Silence of all things, was my only crime.
Nidhi Panandikar
Written by
Nidhi Panandikar  22/F/Mumbai
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