Every morning she wakes up to ringing, to stinging In each dream she’s stuck in a Bell Every morning she changes her band-aides, and looks in upon her City of Yells.
Here when one sounds the alarm, the screeching does not turn off. Here the bedrooms are boiling and the sinks drip drop rocks. Here no one speaks softly, Here no one thinks through their thoughts.
She wakes in her creaking bed, Her hallow room’s walls cave in with blood red They scream so loud she doe not know a word she has ever said. She learned to accept it, She cannot resent it, But even the flowers here moan.
The City of Yells is in passionate war And the rebels are beyond moving gently. The City has soldiers who all look like rockets and their dogs never ever stop barking. The rebels are patient, quick hands at the ready, eager to finish the battle. The Rockets have guns that do not stop blaring— So much noise you’d forget you were fighting.
But the rebels are ones with the truer advantage, for arms they do not take up. They are swift with the sword and the “swish” that it makes is simple, yet hard to ignore.
And the girl looks on as the war continues, directly in her front yard.
She glares though the window, a pair of deep eyes, bulging through the blinds.
“Perhaps today it will all be over, All that is wrong with be done?”
My dear, my dear, in your City of Yells, the fighting has only begun.