"Please pass the steak. Oops, forgot to pray I'm hungry, what should I say? Amen. How was your day? I'm hungry, please pass the steak. Eeny meeny miny..."
"Dude can you watch your elbows?"
"Moe... Ah, she looks nice and juicy. Oh that reminds me! Gotta tell you, wow, gorgeous girl, I met, day before this Cinnamon shoulders, starry eyes, wow..."
"Hurry with the steak!"
"I got her number, yeah, yeah!"
Ring ring.
"Total spin-out! We met, we laughed We bought movie tickets, and popcorn too, of course! What a blast!"
"Wanna come over for dinner tomorrow night?"
Ding ****.
"Hi! Come in!"
(kiss, kiss)
"You're so... salivating! Better than the steak! Oh, the steak! Eeny meeny miny moe… Ah, She's perfect! Yum! ALLLLL! Mine!"