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Jan 2018
You walked right in
And my heart missed a few beats..
Time stood still..
The air froze cold..

You smiled..
And my knees went weak..
Where is the bold me
I've gone so meek

You embraced me..
It felt so good
I sunk into your warmth
I needed nothing else

And then you left me
U left your fragrance all over me
Your smell filling me..
Your essence.. Enveloping me..

You walked off
You went with a part of me
You left a part of you
I think I've gone too deep

You have imprinted on me
I am engulfed by you
Now where does me begin
And where do you end?

But there u go
Walking away..
farther away
Or are you walking back in????
Chinny Maia
Written by
Chinny Maia  32/F
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