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Dec 2017
i tried dad,
i tried so hard and you did not realize.
you did not try.

it may be time to give up on you
i'm tired of being disappointed on you.
i'm tired of giving you so many chances because i know you will throw it out.

where are you when i need you to tell me that iā€™m doing a great job instead you tell me that i can do better?
where are you when my little brother need you to pick him up at 4am instead you tell him to ride uber?
where are you when mom is crying alone at night
because you left her question your love for her?
where are you dad?

things have changed so much
we all have changed so much
i thought you have changed
but instead you still the same
the same father i tried not to hate

i tried dad, i tried so hard.
iā€™m still and always will give you chances
but will you change?
will you apologize for what you have said?
will you try to be a father where i can call you a father?
can you try it?
because i think i lost hope for you.
probably the most personal and the hardest for me to write
Maya Shafiqah
Written by
Maya Shafiqah  19/F/Malaysia
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