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Jan 2018

That's the best way to describe what my mind is in


It's like a swirl of Negative thoughts become the all consuming sand

And it's dragging me into the abyss

I can't escape.

Escape from the pull

From sinking

From falling

From despair

I try to climb out

I try to wipe the negative thoughts away

I try to see the positive

but every time I sink lower

lower into the sand

more into the negativity

more into the doubts

more into the despair

Why can't I escape?

Why can't I save myself?

Why can't I leave!?

I will continue to sink here in the sand

The sand that is my doubts

The sand that is my fears

The sand that is my despair.

The sand that is what I hate about myself

But I will survive

I will face this sand.

I will conquer my fears

My doubts

My hatred

My despair

I will climb out of this sand with a rope made from my love

My hope

My dreams

My Aspirations

My Convictions and my Resolve

I may Sink into the quicksand that is my thoughts

But I always


Find my way back up.

Curtis ‘Sillo’ Jones
© Courteous Silhouette 2017
A Poem I wrote while Streaming.
Written by
Curtis Jones  31/M/Jackson, MS
(31/M/Jackson, MS)   
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