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Dec 2017
I miss you,
I miss you already,
Hasn't been a day or two,
But my heart groans already.
You said you would leave,
But isn't it too early,
You didn't even warn me,
To prepare for your leaving.
Maybe I shouldn't be crying
Coz your soul won't rest in peace,
But didn't you always say when you won't be here anymore,
I'll be the broken into pieces.
I couldn't sleep last night,
Coz you were in my head,
Hardly could I admit,
That now you were dead.
On seeing your pale stiff body,
I wanted to **** my eyes,
Your pulse wasn't moving,
Your hands were as cold as ice.
Suddenly when there was pin drop silence in the room,
My mind was in the violence of the doom,
O! You seriously were gone this time,
NO words, NO heys and NO goodbyes.
anshika gehani
Written by
anshika gehani  19/Cisgender Female
(19/Cisgender Female)   
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