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Aug 2012
Here it is
One twenty in the morning
AM – Andy McElroy
Not tired yet, mind is racing
I had to leave that house
Energy is was too strange
Maybe it’s just me
Yeah most likely
Strange like me
Black like me
**** that book
**** this book too
This entry from hell
You’re from hell
I guess I’m going there too
****… We should’ve found a better reason
To fall through with the question
Of an unopened truth
Please try and explain these to the world
Let them see
The… the pure, uhm… insanity of this thing
This tortured mind that can barely write
A ******* poem if his mind depended on it
I’m glad that I don’t depend on them
Actually I lied, I do
They lead me to the lead gun
To shoot my clip out onto the town of hate
That I hate so much
Hate is a strong word
But I’m sick of them both
And them too
**** this ****
I think I’m through with this too

I love you.
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
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