i trip my life on turpentine. i smoked my wife, she's clandestine.
i woke up to a wall, of dust and a mirror shattered by these insisting dreams.
everything is three --
i thought myself a pool of doubt, he bought my ego, cut in halves. i walked behind his flawless steps, covered in sweat. i flinched.
i read a tale of the disintegration of a rowdy generation.
a touch of a glimpse of her bare feet. and a single gray hair, coming out of her neck - trying to speak. i might've screamed.
apples and oranges and almonds on a one way street.
i read about the disintegration, of a vibration - within your chest. i think you're dead. you disagree! protesting my funeral, of a glimpse of your skin.
i've lived on a fleet, of preachers and secret fighters -- dressed like ninjas and decaying in an utter rut.
seiged by truth - and one correct turn to exit amongst shivers and loud moans flames & dirt loans creases and a handful of drones.
i tripped my life on fastened seats. i smoked your hair, you're fast asleep.