We have a bond A bond that will never be broken We are family We might not be the happiest one but we are You might not think that this is family But we are There might be a little separation But not much This family is full of second chances Somedays it is like, "Hell, let's just get it over with." But other days it is like "I am so sorry we will fix it as well as we can. This family is like no other. We have one thing in common That is the bond between each other You might think this is a stupid story But this story is like no other It is made of the blood and sweat we have built together The days we have it bad Are the days that we get to have a little laugh The day we have it good we have a laughing party This bond is like no other it is the very bond held by the rope and spit The blood and sweat The very bond that is made between the awkwardness between the weird and the silly This bond is...well...so hard to explain because...well, because it is hard to explain We are a family What kind of family are we? I don't know you would just have to come and see