Pain, Pain Go away Don't come back for another day But it decides to stay Harboring my body Leaving scars Hurting the people I know It will never go away Until it's beaten you Until you're gone It whispers deep in the night "You're nothing" "Who would ever care about you?" "No one cares" "Go ahead, hurt another person, it won't fix you" "You're broken" Deafening any hope any sort of reason From Pain comes Depression And he's a tricky thing Taking anything anyone has said and twisting it reshaping it until it's something degrading He hits you like a truck You'd never see him coming I sure didn't Doctors give pills, psychiatrists give 'advice' but it never helps He's always there Deep in your mind An epidemic of the soul
Ding, **** Depression is back I cry over you You'd never know I hide my pain from you You'll never find it You get my hopes up Only to drop me Like a rock from a skyscaper Bringing me back down Down into my depression It's just what you say what you do That makes my pain greaten And cry at night But you wouldn't know