I have sat by the silent fields at dusk; And by those still leaves and cold air And that sordid silence that grows on you, I have felt and known them presence there.
Alone in those dim times after sunset, I felt as numb as those fallen leaves. When the wind blew those leaf-corpses away, I could feel them dead people alive.
I have seen them black birds flying around; Confused little wings circling the sky, Away from the reach of the ghostly clouds That fume forward like widening smoke.
There are them trees lined on the horizon; Dark forests with a cold mystery. I have seen them eyes looking me from there And have heard the dead, wounded trees breathe.
I could feel them hands creeping up my neck. I could see tortured souls and dark pasts And the dead who lived their time on that mud, Lying around like the cold night air .
One day, I too would die and join them And be a dead piece of this cold night. I knew I will be slowly joining Those black ghosts that invaded the sky.