You shine so bright, And yet, you can't see it. You hide beneath your skin Holding tight, wondering How much of yourself you have to give away In order to shine. I try to be there, But I always seem to fail When you need me most. I can never show you how bright you are Despite my efforts. I just wish you could climb, tear, break Out of the abyss that seems to have claimed you, But you can't. You're so tired of life— So tired of being left alone By everyone who ever thought of you As even an acquaintance, let alone a friend. And don’t get me wrong— I am of that group. I watched you struggle Day by day, And didn’t offer so much as a hand To free you from your mind— Your chains. So, you tried on your own, And believe me when I say: ‘I am so lucky That you failed So that you and I might see a brighter day.’ I just miss you, friend, And I hope someday I can show you That you aren’t alone. And that if you need anything— A.n.y.t.h.i.n.g— I'll find a way To save you Without letting your mind Remove from you your cowardice to fall— Leaving you To the abyss That we are all bound— Leaving you Alone To the inevitable.