Will you ever find a Man? An all-too-familiar question. A man. As if without one I will surely become an old hag With cat fur embedded in my furniture And a deep sadness embedded in my soul As if finding a man is the very most important part of my existence As if I can’t do things on my own
As if the meaning of life is placing the Letter “r” Between M and s until death do them part Sealed with a period at the end Mrs.
Right now, though, let me be. I just want to be Me Period. When you spend too much time looking for a man amongst millions of boys you waste the time that could be spent looking for yourself. But when you let yourself crawl out of that tiny corner of your heart that no one could reach, You realize that the most important part of your existence is the discovery that your soul is complete without attaching itself to another one
So stop looking for the soul who will “complete you” Search for your soul
And the rest is simple: The foundation of knowing yourself will last forever, even if bricks crumble and the doors fall off the hinges on someone’s way out. Fall back on knowing that YOU create your happiness.