Remember locking eyes that first time?
The dimly lit room on the bad side of town.
We were just children,
and you laughed at everything I said.
Remember kissing me unsure, yet steady?
Our first kiss, at my parents house,
hiding in the stairwell,
as our hearts beat like thunder.
Remember letting me steal your clothes?
Just that sweatshirt, and the others
so your scent could linger
just long enough to lull me to sleep.
Remember when you let me in?
Our two bodies becoming one
as we exchanged
our last pieces of innocence.
Remember those petty fights?
You told me I was crazy,
but I was just insecure.
You were stubborn, but I always won.
Do you remember the end, my love?
My world crumbled into pieces,
and you were free, at last.
Your parents were thrilled, and I just cried.
Remember seeing me again?
You hated me, but the *** was good,
and I was willing to be treated like that
just to see you for that short-lived moment.
Remember that hotel we met at?
We had just started college.
I confessed that I always have loved you,
and I think you felt something too.
Then, do you remember the distance?
We both tried so hard,
but in the end you knew,
there wasn't enough we could do.
Remember parting again?
We went months without speaking,
you and your school, I and my life;
Emerging on the other side, as friends.
Do you remember that summer?
You went away, helping others for you.
I finally was able to let go;
I moved on, scared, but ready.
All this time has passed,
and still, here we are.
Not meant to be anything more than we are.
I'm glad to remember.
Β© MAB August, 2012
*For Duck.*