Walking down this dark and ***** path, I go to see my love. It’s the kind of path that only a man like me can find, when walking in the moonlight, even though it’s been worn from time. It’s the kind of path that makes the unknown man look stranger the farther down he goes; but I’ve been down this path many times and met my love back here for years.
Do you know what love is?
I mean, do you really know what love is?
Well, I can tell you it’s something that comes from deep inside, something so strong that all the locks and bars in this old town couldn’t keep me from it. I would **** and be killed for it. I would die for it. Like Hercules did in that Disney movie, though I doubt I’ll receive my god-hood in the end.
Now picture this. Here now, before you is a strong man, a brave man, a man for every woman (and maybe a few men also). But here is a man with money, power, and fame; but for his love, oh for his love, he would case it all away. He would throw it up into the air and let the four winds take it form him like some poor dead relative being scattered to the sea.
Oh to feel love like that….to feel that kind of want.
You…you can not even begin to understand a feeling like that. Only a few of us do and so only a few of us know where to find this path. The one that’s littered with the remnants of our previous lovers, and the promises of the future, though it never said that promise was true. I know that though. I knew that when I started down this path and still it didn’t keep me from that calling.
Can you hear it?
Ohh…can you hear it??
I can feel it in my bones.
I’ve put it in my veins.
Oh how my love calls to me and keeps me warm at night.
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