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Nov 2017

Trapped in a room that is slowly closing
No light only sounds can be heard
Appendages appear as if from nothing
Suffocating space I need to escape
A light at the end of the tunnel
Blinding light and fresh air
I inhale my first breath and can finally breathe
Ties cut from my former home…freedom…

Forced to eat what you serve
Sent away when I'd rather stay learning nothing
Given a room to sleep and isolate myself
Solitude is broken because you own it
Left to repeat this cycle uninterrupted
18 years finally pass…freedom?

Work everyday for the meager wages
Have a home, car, and family
Forced to believe this is the dream
Unable to choose your own, and turn them into reality
I wither away after decades
Never given the chance to truly exist
Smiling as I reminisce over it all
Forking paths, decisions made
I've come to a dead end
Closing my eyes for the last time
Choking on my final breath…freedom!
My first poem shared
Written by
Lucio  45/M/Oregon
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