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Nov 2017
The moment he was born, you had that motherly instinct to protect your newborn angel.

No matter what you had to do in order to protect him, you'd do it.

As a mother, you love him with every fiber of your being, just like you should.

But in just two seconds, your life changed.

"Never Shake A Baby." You said. And that's all you ever did say; even though you said so much after that.

"He won't live to be one year." They said. And that's all you were ever told; even though you loving him gave him the life to live 9 years after that.

You see, you gave him life. Not by birthing him. But by unconditionally loving him so much, you created his life from that point on.

You understand what he says to you.
You understand what he gestures to you.
Because only you can understand what your angel is saying to you.

Throughout everything he's experienced, you were there.
It didn't matter if you were doing double shifts, or had to be held back late for work.
As long as you got to see him, you were perfectly fine.

You love him, just as much as he loves you.
You're his first true love. His first heartthrob.

He reaches for you when you kiss him. He gets as close as possible to you because he wants you.
He tries to hug you and love you back.
Because he loves you.

So.....This one's for you ❤
This is for a mother who does nothing but love her son. This One's, For You.
Chamilla Colton
Written by
Chamilla Colton  17/F
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