You bring out the worst in me. I love you, really I don’t. How did we get to where we were? I forget the path we took.. Most time spent “together” void. Too many moments.. Tangled in limbs and sheets but not each others’ minds. Failing to dissect each neuron until we knew everything.
Surrounded and seduced by hollow words, I am consumed with vulnerability, pushing forward prematurely, only to recoil almost instantly.. Caught in whirlwind we were. Turning the calm into a storm when maybe it could have just drifted.. beautifully. If only we had trusted.
If only you had not betrayed mine, had given release to that which passed, and embraced me in our present. Finally ready to tread waters only waded before, and quickly deserted in fear. You who I was ready to swim miles for. An unlit candle, finally found the flame to its wick.
Cracked the white shell, you took full advantage beyond what you were allowed. Keeping it for your own upon your surges of desire. Feeding me pathos from the shallows of your.. soul, buried deep in the core of the cave in your chest, only to be unearthed by the brew’s shovel.
Tenderness. Something you knew not of. Nor patience, consideration, selflessness. And by your body was torn my most sensitive skins. Words followed that broke more. Innocence willingly, thoughtlessly given. Taken was more, offered to help create. Hands chosen to lay a foundation, that crumble it before it is built.