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Nov 2017
Self destruction
The two words struck through me like overwhelming bursts of electricity
Electrocuting every atom of my being until all I saw was you
You didn’t think about me that night
You didn’t think about how your actions would affect me
You did, however, think about yourself
You thought about yourself when you drank until you couldn’t stand
You thought about yourself when you took the pills on your countertop
You thought about yourself when you forced me to drink more than I wanted
You thought about yourself when you took advantage of my weakness
You thought about yourself when you took advantage of me
You didn’t think about me
You didn’t think about me at all that night
You didn’t think about me when you scarred every piece of my soul
You didn’t think about me as my tears stained your sheets
You didn’t think about me that morning when I looked at you
I looked at you, but you didn’t see me
Did you ever see me
Because all I see now is you
Taking advantage of me
Written by
Jillian  24/F/AL
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