Well, my fault, your fault, their fault, his fault, her fault The fault line runs through us all Rubbing off here and there, shattering the unshattered Creating curved corners, wobbly lines, pointing toward Leaning posts for us to ponder, procrastinate... Perhaps cocking a leg to listen and learn Or be bullied down the chorus of blame Well....if they hadn't done that.... Or if I'd just said or done that..... Would things have been different? The edges neat and tidy... To see what's coming round all the corners The unshattered, negating seven years bad luck So keep the straight and narrow Refuse to open the boxes and look into the unlooked 'Control' will be your friend, sticking rigidly by you side But what about the alt...alternative...the delete....acceptance??? Will your blindfold mar your pathway to living Missing the signpost at the fork in the road.....