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Aug 2012
Suit yourself,
It was fun while it lasted.
I was such a fool,
I dove head first into traffic.
And now I'm on my own.
And now she's all alone.
This is your way of asking me to stop,
Most dangerous place,
alone with your thoughts.
My battery's run dry,
Looks like I'm running out of time.

But if you just stop for minute,
And breathe for a second,
If you organize your thoughts and you,
Kick the habit.
Then you will finally see,
That I'm better off this way.
And you've been missing out.

You had your chance and you blew it. I,
Was your night in shining armor,
But you refused the ride,
On my horse back to the castle,
Where we live our lives,
Happily ever after.
But it was just a story cuz as we both know,
Nothing in life ever ends on a good note.

I'll erase every mark,
You ever left in my memory,
But there are so many,
And my erasers so tiny.
And every mark, I come to erase,
Sinks my stomach with the empty space.

Just don't.
Don't pull the punch on me
I see straight thru your hollow sympathy

Suit Yourself.
Koty Peter
Written by
Koty Peter
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