Society calls me broken since i do not conform into the conditioning of fitting into their boxes of normality Im pressured to change my human nature failing at every attempt causing me to see the dark side of my reality Im left with feelings of inadequacy and a low self esteem from every word of condemnation I cannot help who i am but am made to feel as though my efforts are never good enough resulting in further frustration
My passion is confused for obsession and my perspective on life is seen as flawed At this age i crave relationships and *** but only being in church has me bored My interests in God at the moment isnt strong because everything now concerning him gets monotonous I have evolved into a curious 20 year old and its misunderstood for being carnal when having a thrill is my only wish
When i do not take concerta im hyperactive and humourous and its the one way i have fun despite my monotonous routine If i speak my true mind and act out on every impulse in my body itll be seen as a profanity To me my mind and soul runs deeper than all the oceans ever known Another way i keep my peace is to stay engrossed in my world on my phone
Wearing masks all the time to please this judgemental society is quite exhausting They remain happy while i slowly die screaming on the inside from all this pretending The truth is that im open to love from man or woman and i want to help the helpless people in society I love adventure and to me anything unique trait in someone i admire attracts me
I am an inquisitive person and i wonder why people blame the devil for evil when God made the devil God is the creater of evil and good so shouldnt he be responsible for all thats awful He had knowledge prior to the devils creation that the devil would have betrayed him and then he regretted his own creation If i knew that would have happened i would have never invented a work of art to bring devastation
God has never recompensed the African race for years of torture from slavery He has inflicted curses on innocent children and has called missionaries to have their lives cruelly snatched for their acts of bravery Yet the devil is blamed but i hold the creator of the devil responsible The other injustices in life angers me because i cant do anything about it which is incredibly painful
I honestly walk around with the weight of the injustices of this world upon my shoulder Every time i see more corruption and innocent people paying for the guilty my heart breaks further I see so many unanswered questions to life just being shoved under the carpet I prefer to remain oblivious to it so i can keep the little peace and sanity i have left so i wont live full of regret
I want to live my life to the fullest by travelling the world and having new experiences I desire independence so i can remove the mask of normality and pretense I want to die with a smile on my face because ive fulfilled my life's purpose I want to leave a legacy of greatness and accomplishment for future generations before humanity can get a chance to get worse