My chest is yours to crawl in You constrict my lungs Play patty cake with my heartbeat Make yourself a nest in my ribcage When I speak too loudly Or jostle too much, You turn into a hurricane Where I feel the rumble in the back of my throat But I dare not kick you out Cause you have embedded yourself behind every vital ***** Where if you go, they all do Bye bye kidney one Two Bye liver Heart Brain Your hands lace through my bloodstream to find yourself once again Touching me Everywhere I don’t want you to My stomach My thighs Every place I swore to change for you You never fret When the times are good. When I lose my voice for the sake of convenience Or not gaining too much attention Or when I don’t ask for love letters. Or romance. Or presents on holidays. We get along fine when I let you have your way Let you tell my spine when and where to show up And when I never ask you to invest yourself in me God forbid you go to thanksgiving with me to my family Or to Christmas Or my grandmothers grave I don’t like letting myself get low, Cause you always turn yourself into a rock That sinks down into the pit of my stomach So heavy Becoming just another weight to carry