Whether it is the roof above my head or the one above my heart, I am home With you I have found my home A place I can turn to in need A place I know that I will never leave A place I trust, with everything A place I can call home Whether it stands before me or is waiting at the end of a twisted road It is my home, our home One I can count on One I can lean on One I can protect and provide for One I can save Whether it be a measly cabin or a towering mansion It is one we have built with strong walls, unbreakable walls They do not waver They do not chip They do not crack They do not have an end, a fortress for only us Whether it is old and rickety or new and shiney Our home is a home, one we have built together With our gentle working hands we've built a life together So let's live in this home together And may this house become our home You are my home