Maybe someday I will be good at writing and good at skating and good at studying and good at loving you. Maybe then I won't have to live in this ****** town, in this ****** two bedroom rut. I won't have to live off of minimum wage, and 9 to 5 every ******* day except for Wensdays.
Maybe some day I can make you happy. I might quit smoking and I might start listening to happy music. ****, I might even be happy. you might even be happy. what a plot twist that would be.
But for now, I know I cannot change where I am. I am a ****** skater and a ****** lover. I work at a ****** job and make ****** pay. The only thing not ****** in my life is you and you have your bad days.
I imagine a day when people will give me money for doing things I like. Maybe for skating or writing or singing or just being me. Other people do that. People make fortunes by doing that ****. Maybe if I did that I would be happy. **** maybe even you would be happy. someday.