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Aug 2012
What ever happened to Peter Eckstrom
the kid who sat next to me in 7th grade English?
I think he spoke only 14 words to me the whole year

He didn't join any clubs
or sports
He didn't go to dances
or football games.
He just quietly took notes in 7th grade English.

Then we left for summer
I made him sign my yearbook
because it was 7th grade and it was a big deal
even if his picture was missing from the pages.

but he never came back
I looked for him in 8th grade English
I asked around school
but no one seemed to know

He just blew away like dust,
leaving no trace
no evidence that he had existed
except the scrawled signature
on the back page of my yearbook

What ever happened to Peter Eckstrom?
Written by
Lacey Anderson
     Lior Gavra and Katie Jacobs
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