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Nov 2017
Sickening shadow,
Trapped in a dungeon of demogorgons,  
Rotting in an upside down hollow,      
Around dark and toxic in tons,            
Naive humans are trying to escape,      
Great ones are fighting it,
Endangering themselves by making the ground gape,
Right after to make it lit,  

Turning points and ticking time,
Hustling and hammering things with mind,                                                      
Inside a strange world doing a creepy crime,
Now this is about mystery to find,                                  Guessing and doing things right,
Shutting the gate of monsters because there's actually no way to fight. :p
                              -Faeza Kazim
Faeza Kazim
Written by
Faeza Kazim  Jeddah
   Lior Gavra
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