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Aug 2012
Kept company by a December’s unexpected, but welcome, rebellion.
Two bare feet alternate between three textured pedals
But my whole self doesn’t always find itself in unison.
The engine stalls as I realize December pulled a fast one.
One of the most beautiful days I’ve ever seen.
When the sun keeps you warm from the cold air blowing past.
You have the scene arrange itself—as it will seem to do—          
With my afterthought, dialoge composed of
I have saved this afternoon for you          
And four wax candles in this darkened room,          
Four drops of light defying gravity
Falling upon the ceiling overhead,                    
An atmosphere of an ancient tomb          
Prepared for all the things to be said, or left unsaid.          
Have you looked at your latest generic analytics?
Transmit the Prelude through eyelashes and fingertips.          

We have too many choices and half we never pick
It’s funny, because life almost makes me sick
The sun isn’t overwhelmed or ever forgets to emit
It just follows it’s purpose, there is no option to quit.

And yet we complain of the common cold.
The traffic.
Sometimes this social prison leaves a human left tragic
And while some believe in things such as the Hoodini-esque magic
As we watch the bag boy grab the milk –then double-bag it
That same bag will choke some wild animal that missed it.
And that’s just another item on the Scapegoat list been listed.

Copyright © Jimena Zavaleta 2012
Revolute Jay
Written by
Revolute Jay  Northern Calif., USA
(Northern Calif., USA)   
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