My name is Crazy My name is disgusting, crooked teeth, *****, *****, four eyes, fatty, the pregnant chick. But they call me crazy I am not crazy
I express myself in ways no one can see or want to feel I am not the cold expressionless face of cool My clothing brands donβt shout the colors of the homophobic rainbow Nor do my eyes lust after every boy with the sticker on his hat
For every boy and girl I see molded together in the hallway I feel the sting of being alone Hidden in the restroom I see the smear smack and glitter of the makeup they touch up
I am not like them. Nor do I want to be. I feel pain everyday The stifling grip of my depression dulls every sun ray
Some understand this very pain HOW DARE YOU How dare you try to understand my pain
Iβm a teenager hear my angst of being alone like all the other alone people In this jail cell we call highschool We are all the same though we crave the different Under the oppression of the creativity box we are forced into only few see the light
Crying aloud as the same people pile on top I feel their words sting. The name calling it calls out. Their suffering is obvious The indifferent face of cool shines so brightly with caring they are blind to it My name is Christy