There was, still is, a tree in my front yard. It’s made of oak, I think, but I don’t care. I just remember when it died for me. It was when he said he was leaving.
He opened the red front door and I saw it. It didn’t shield me from the bright light like it was supposed to. The leaves parted and the light was blinding. When I finally adjusted, I knew that he was gone.
I watched as he was protected by shade, bathed in filtered light. His steps crunched leaves Beneath black shoes with a sound I used to love. The tree escorted him to his car with an inviting path while Its branches did nothing to stop him.
After that I couldn’t listen. I couldn’t hear the breeze I once remembered. I hit the tree to knock it down. My knuckles bled, my forearms burned. It just stood and I wished that it would hit me back.
Then, I saw the backyard tree. Knowing it would never betray me while aiding a hasty exit. It would never cast a comfortable shade on an unexpected ending. Its branches would comfort me when I needed help.
I sat beneath the backyard tree and felt a breeze I used to know. A breeze I once remembered. I felt the breeze remember me and Wished that I felt nothing.