chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm your sun dances over head and aching skeletons rattle their bones, drinking bottomless cups of sand swept up with the dry wind into their eyes and garments that rot and rag about their femurs as they smile dangerously and wink
chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm a small brook turns into a fierce demon sweeping eddies full of names into its depths and the meek grizzlies paw at the rotting bits of fish left on the shore who gulp in deadly heaps of air for their water-ridden lungs chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm leaving an abandoned shock of metal as a refuge for the lonely and frostbitten potatoes are the only accompaniment to twenty five pounds of rice and a lean frame hiding huddled in a mass of snow lay all of the accused
chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm as thick steel drives through flesh and boe grinding rubber against gravel; metal against metal and screeching high-siren pitches nonstop day and night boring into your skull with the urgency and ceaselessness of a hungry wolf who scares off the weak and the poor, the hungry and the searching; who became one
chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm and those strange and lonely souls scared off by the fierceness and emptiness of corporations and concrete artists flee into the fierce emptiness of the wilds instead sparing one hardship for the other searching for a fullfilment not found in a box and an empty space that can only be filled by invisible wings
chaotic impulses lead to irregular rhythm a frantic dance in a great big monastery the lunatic portrays a Zen within his twitch to layer understanding beneath Zen beneath lunacy with his mad fervor he becomes great and understands real truth - in his own way - and then dies