I find myself awake in the endless now Closer to the immediate time of midnight That stretches in the echoing tick of a second The true forever of the present
In the gaping maw of an endless moment marching forward I can't help but wonder how its that we wake into the comprehension that the future is an imaginary concept that is never truly reached. When between two seconds I have felt the breadth of an eternity Breathing its hot and uncomfortable decomposition onto my being Aging, Tallying away the moments until I am but ash on the pavement
That our only perception of reality can happen in the foreverness of a moment that becomes wistful of itself like some elder trying to relive the fleeting feeling of youth That the past is only a recollection of the now in its nostalgic bubble Painted like some old time movie in the cobwebbed section of the brain, that forgets important information Like where the keys are and instead keeps the bitter burn of being in love for the first time. The last time.
Its these lanquid seemingly shallow thoughts that keep me from dropping into the blissful chaos of REM Falling off the face of reality and into the black nothing My brain digs into conceptual conundrums, when really all I want to do is sleep..