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Jul 2012
I just want a nice guy, that's all.

But I'd like him better if he were tall.
Maybe with eyes of green or blue,
with sparkling manners, who likes zoos.
If he could cook,
always keeps his head in a book,
I think that would warrant a second look.
But while we're at it, let's not forget
it speaks well of him if he had a pet.
When it comes to his vices,
moderation is key,
Cause I'm not perfect, and neither is he.
He should like talking to me,
but not too much
his insecurities won't need me to act as a clutch.
He won't push me around,
but wouldn't mind taking the lead -
Love me with faith, but never with greed.
I'd like a man whose quick to laugh,
but never at others
and always with tact.
If he was committed to saving the world,
or he had a head full of curls,
then I would be one very happy girl.

Now fulfilling that list shouldn't be too much of a bother -
and if you think I'm picky,
well, you see should the list of my mother's.
I wanted to write a light-hearted poem after witnessing many of my peers complain about how hard it is to get a boyfriend. Well, perhaps this will lead to some insight...? :)

And on another note, my mom isn't at all picky and I'm not too terribly worried about boys right now. But who knows, I might reference this poem a week from now!
Kara R
Written by
Kara R
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