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Nov 2017
I woke up to a phone call in the middle of the night
I couldn't see who was calling the light was too bright
But when I answered all I heard was some one crying
Berly able to make the words out, I thought they where lying
What I herd was too hard to believe
The worst news you ever want to receive
Let me take you few hours back
Me and my homie where chillin at the pad
Had a few brews
Talking about life and blues
Talking about our past and the future
2 bad *** kids, everyone called us losers
But look where we are now
Good jobs, nice cars, how we got here I dont know how
So that's why it's hard to believe what I just herd
But now you're in the sky with birds
But you did it the selfish way
We where just talking but there was something you didn't say
Suicidal thoughts where going through your head
How you wished so much that you where dead
**** and there was nothing I could do to help
You kept it all to yourself
No one knew how depressed you where
Taking your own life, thats not fair
**** why didn't you tell me you felt so alone?
Why didn't you tell me you felt uncomfortable at home?
Now your sister calling me crying because your dead
What the **** was going through your head?
No signs, no letter
Did you think our lives without you would be better?
What went through your mind?
How long did you wait till you pulled the trigger on that nine?
I'm sorry I couldn't save you
Can you hear me? Am I getting through?
Now you're gone forever
Even now, 5 years later
Alan Jimenez
Written by
Alan Jimenez  25/M
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