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Oct 2017
1,2,3,4, players gather on the board.
4,3,2,1 roll the dice, the game's begun.
Moving forward space-by-space,
how unfortunate that I'm last place.

I see the others moving,
ahead again-and-again.
1st,2nd,3rd they've got me beat.
I am in 4th, a tragic defeat.

They climb the ladders,going far,
space 50, 51, 52.
Look at me, I'm stuck on 9,
Everyone, please don't leave me behind.

Sooner or later, they reach the end,
celebrations all around, except for me.
Sliding down snakes, time-after-time,
I don't have a chance, victory will never be mine.
Hello all! It's been quite some time since I've last posted anything.
Anyway; here's my newest piece. I'm a little rusty seeing as I haven't written anything in a fair number of months. Nevertheless, what do you think?
I got my inspiration from the idea that life is like a game of snakes and ladders, where I am stuck at the bottom of the board. Trying to climb ladders but always being met with a slippery doom.
Written by
SakuraSkye  17/F/Ireland
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