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Oct 2017
I am the cracked leather couch
That was left in the yard.
My arms have been torn
By the temperamental cat
You rescued from the shelter
I bleed white puffs on the side of the house
Where no one can see

I am the old charcoal grill
With the rusty red lid
You bought for
The fourth of July and used once
Caked in black grease and white ash
I sit in the gutter
With a sign that says “free”

I am the ‘78 Ford Bronco
That was stripped down for parts
On blocks in the junkyard
Where a doberman uses
The passenger seat to daydream
About her brothers and sisters
She doesn’t remember

I am everything you’ve always wanted
At one point in time
But I’m afraid my time is up
I am now the *****, the “yesterday”, the proverbial scoff
With a neon-pink sticker
“50% off!”
Written by
MikeTheVike  27/M
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