Please just know that I wish things weren’t the way the are. Actually, this may be my biggest issue in all honesty. I unknowingly hide away Keeping myself trapped in my head, The events that changed my life and who I am Are playing on repeat in my mind. All I can do is sit in my head and scream. I try to change things, No matter how loud I am, No matter how much will power or strength, No matter how many sleepless nights I have. No matter if I have cried an ocean of tears. What happened is there still. Just as it happened the very first time. Just as it happens everytime. There is nothing that changes, Nothing I do now changes any of it. That in itself is why I am who you see now. Just stuck in the past, Trying to fix the things I never could. They say that the definition of insanity, Is to do the same thing over and over, Expecting different results. If this is the case than I am afraid I am insane I have been since 4 years ago this May. The regret remains as the guilt eats away at my heart. The anger still grips my soul. I am just here stuck in my head. Just stuck on repeat. I just sitting here, Trying to change what has already happened. Waiting for a miracle to free me from my own head. I need something to come and heal my soul.