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Jul 2012
I get so sad,
as sad as i can be
i get so sad that all my feelings
get up and leave me.
and i get so numb
i don't know how to be.
and it makes me mad.
it makes me mad 
and i don't know how to fix me
i don't know how to fix me.
and it makes me mad,
it makes me mad. 
i get so mad 
and i yell at you
i yell at you so much
i forget how to stop.
and i know i shouldn't.
i know i shouldn't 
but i do and i do and i do again
and i don't know how to fix me.
i don't know how to fix me.
i get so numb 
i don't know how to be.
and it makes me mad.
i get so picky
i get so picky 
and i pick at you
and i know i shouldn't.
i know i shouldn't
but i do and i do and i do again.
so i start to thinking maybe
if i can't stop it
i'll let it happen
so you'll pack your bags and tell me
you love me
but you can't stay.
so you'll leave me alone
and i can be alone
and i don't have to be good
for anyone.
and you can be happy
i know you could be happy
with someone more happy.
i get so sad
as sad as i can be.
i get so sad that all my feelings
get up and leave me.
and it makes me mad.
it makes me mad 
and i don't know how to fix me.
i won't be loved if i can be fixed.
i can't be fixed 
so i can't be loved.
and i don't know how.
i don't know how to 
love you
when i don't know how
to fix me.
Written in April, 2011
Written by
Sarah Ramsay
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