These are the moments I live for; Too late to dream, too early to rise. In between white cotton sheets that press on pale legs Shifting ever so slightly. Fluorescent light shining on wide eyes From too much honesty... It’s blinding.
This is no unordinary occurrence. Nightly conversations that go too far, But never far enough. Living alongside the stars in an attempt to find you. Learn you.
This is feeling of sacrosanct darkness; Holy ground. An intimacy so crystal clear and strong, It cuts through me like a diamond. Every nerve alive But somehow sedated All at once…
Love. Sacred, and magical, Radiating and infecting everything it touches In the best of ways. We don’t need to be there to be here, But it doesn’t hurt if we are. It never hurts.
I’m not sure if this is what remains for you, But I still feel the surge of electricity, Of warmth, Of happiness from forever ago. We were beautiful… Weren’t we?