Betwixt the plains the river runs Through hill and forest, beneath the sun Where fauna stop to pray for drink And rocks appeal their will to sink
Betwixt the mounts the river runs The scars it cuts ne'er be undone And though men try to place a fight The river claims them all with might
Betwixt the towns the river flows And some may follow wherever it goes The start of a trout, the end of a snake Yet the river kills not, nor does it make
Betwixt the states the river flows In places straight, where others it bows For all of the knowledge contained within It can retain not, how it were to begin
Betwixt the nations the river can rush The lands that it touches can't help but be lush Blessing the many who bask in its essence And swallowing those who scorn its presence
Betwixt the cliffs the river will rush Surging on to its final gush All of the effort the river expends Knowing too well, too soon it will end