I came to realize the rumours, Spread only by the daring few. Modernly changed into playful humours, Discarding the horror: it’s true.
In the darkest of allies, And the depths of our ignorance. Within our concrete seas, We have destroyed the ambulance.
I did it only with harmless intent, Not knowing what to anticipate. A brother did me try to prevent, With a stare that did me debate. Only now I know what he meant, So I hoped that it could dissipate.
Endless joy, Careless thoughts. A young boy, Feeling that of astronauts.
I was taken into space itself, In a room shut by vacuumed-air-lock. All I could hear was myself, As my laugh sounded the tick of a clock.
Time had surely been slurred, As an hour did pass, but my whole life I’d replayed. This indefinitely had my imagination stirred, For every move I did make was somewhat delayed.
A consistent sound, Pure. Yet irritating, For sure. As if me, It to lure: That death Be the cure.
It wouldn’t go away. Any of it. Would I see the light of another day? Stuck in this pit?
There and then, a prayer was said, Asking for healing. With all the sense in my head, And the pain I was feeling.
In that same day, I made my decision. For the rest of my life, I’d forget the transition.