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Oct 2017
Hailed as a hero to all
That don't know him
A harvestman, of porcelain
Collective picture of me
Identify & catch the fall

Dealing in lies
The joker has no hand
No full house, empty pair
Cards are for tricks
Slight of hand, baffled eyes

Desiccating words
That dry my soul
Spat out, shat out
From my own mouth
A truth? not unheard

Shackled myself down
Bound in false words
Ironically , moronically
Still have the key
Locked solid within a frown

Even a cactus flowers to show
YOU, the beauty inside
An ocean, not shallow pool
Self improving, pretty mind
Dull light, now aglow

Something's are best reflected in your eyes, not your lies
Written by
Jeff Teasdale
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