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Oct 2017
I am a magnet for misery, among self hate and reckless stupidity. With no one to love or be loved by. Pain and sorrow buried within me. Disguised as something I am not and will never be. It hurts to be human, so I’ll swallow your pills and absorb your words as my mind continues to fall apart. No one can hear my silent screams echoing into the distance, as the walls tumble down around me. Pounding on the glass that never breaks, falling but never hitting a ground surface, I am stuck in my head. The pain is too deep, always on the edge to resurface. Hurting is part of being human. Some will rise above it, and others devoured by their depression.
Written by
FallenInTorment  22/F/Among the broken...
(22/F/Among the broken...)   
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